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Researchers of IAIN Parepare and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Conduct Collaborative International Research in Malaysia

12 March, 2024 by

Public Relation of IAIN Parepare – In an effort to intensify international collaboration and enhance academic contribution, two researchers from the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Parepare, Indonesia, conducted joint research in Malaysia. The researchers are Rahmawati, Dean of the Faculty of Sharia and Islamic Law at IAIN Parepare, and Rusdaya Basri, Head of the Islamic Family Law Study Program at IAIN Parepare's Postgraduate Program.

They also collaborated with a researcher from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) in conducting this research. This activity is one of the main programs in the context of internationalization of higher education that is being actively carried out by IAIN Parepare.

The research, which was conducted over five days, from Wednesday to Monday (March 6-10, 2024), focused on the construction of Islamic family law in fulfilling the rights of wives after divorce.  

This highly relevant topic was analyzed comparatively between marriage laws in Indonesia and Malaysia. The research was conducted at Mahkamah Rendah Syariah and Badan Sokongan Keluarga at the Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah Persekutuan District in Malaysia.

The research team consisted of five people: Rusdaya Basri (Team Leader), Rahmawati (Member), Ridha Nurul Mutia (Member),  

and Muhammad Aksan (Member), all of whom are from IAIN Parepare. The fifth member of the research team is Asma Luthfi from UKM.  

According to Rusdaya Basri, this research is particularly urgent considering the problems related to the implementation of regulations in Indonesia regarding the rights of wives after divorce.  

"Many divorce cases in the field show that the rights of wives are often not fulfilled by their ex-husbands, so a comprehensive study is needed through this research. This can be done by comparing family law regulations in Malaysia, which is known to have a legal system and institutions that can help ensure the fulfillment of wives' rights after divorce through the BSK (Badan Sokongan Keluarga) institution at the Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah Malaysia," Rusdaya Basri said when confirmed via WhatsApp message.

This research also involves collaboration with academics from UKM which is an important step in obtaining a comprehensive perspective from various viewpoints. In Malaysia, institutions such as the Badan Sokongan Keluarga within the Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah have been proven to be able to help in ensuring the fulfillment of the rights of wives after divorce.

It is hoped that the results of this collaborative research will not only provide a deeper understanding of this complex issue, but also strengthen IAIN Parepare's position as a campus that actively plays a role in the international arena. This step is also in line with the plan to change the status of IAIN Parepare to UIN AGH KH. Abdurrahman Ambo Dalle, which further emphasizes its commitment to advocating for justice and well-being in the realm of Islamic family law. (da/alf/MM)

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dirgaachmad March 12, 2024