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Forum of Deans of Sharia and Law Faculties of PTKIN Rejects Changes in Undergraduate Degrees for Sharia Alumni

27 March, 2024 by

Humas IAIN Parepare -- Forum Dekan Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Negeri (PTKIN) se-Indonesia menggelar pertemuan penting membahas isu strategis pada Kamis s.d. Jum’at (20-22/03/2024) di Convention Hall UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta. 

This activity was held in response to the government's discourse, especially the Ministry of Religious Affair, regarding the change of title for alumni of the Faculty of Sharia from Bachelor of Law (S.H.) to Bachelor of Islamic Law (S.H.I.).

The activity was combined with the holding of a National Seminar themed, "Legal Politics and the Existence of Bachelor of Law Degrees for Graduates of the Faculty of Sharia and Law". The event presented three main speakers: Prof. Dr. H. Ahmad Bahiej, SH, M. Hum (Head of the Bureau of Law and Foreign Cooperation, Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia), Prof. Dr. H. Ahmad Tholabi Kharlie, SH, MH, MA (Vice Rector 1 for Academic Affairs, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah), and Prof. Dr. H. Makhrus Munajat, SH, M.Hum (Chair of the Forum of Deans of Sharia and Law Faculties of PTKIN throughout Indonesia).

As many as 40 representatives of the Deans of the Faculty of Sharia and Law from all over Indonesia attended this meeting. The results of the discussion that was held gave birth to a joint statement that emphasized the rejection of the revocation of the SH degree and the return of the SHI degree for alumni of the Faculty of Sharia and Law.

The Dean of the Faculty of Sharia and Law of IAIN Parepare, Dr. Rahmawati, who was also present at the statement of rejection of the policy of changing the title for alumni of Sharia, said that this rejection was not only based on philosophical considerations, but also deep sociological and juridical considerations. . 

"In the end, we (the Forum of Deans) made a statement of attitude by signing a joint statement rejecting the change of the SH degree to SHI for alumni of the Faculty of Sharia and Law. The statement, which has been signed in 6 copies, will soon be sent to government institutions, including the DPR RI, the Supreme Court, the Attorney General's Office, the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, and the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia. This step is expected to be a serious consideration for the government regarding the discourse on changing undergraduate degrees for Sharia alumni," concluded Rahmawati. (Da/Alf/MM)

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dirgaachmad March 27, 2024