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Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business of IAIN Parepare Collaborates with KPPN Parepare for Treasury Goes to Campus Program

1 March, 2024 by

Public Relation of IAIN Parepare – The Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business (FEBI) of IAIN Parepare collaborated with the Parepare State Treasury Office (KPPN) to hold a Treasury Goes to Campus Practitioner Lecture. The event, themed "Expanding Education on State Financial Management," took place on the fifth floor of the Library on Friday (March 1, 2024).

The event provided valuable insights for students about state finances, ranging from state revenue to financial governance.

The Head of KPPN Parepare, Ferryal Resque, began his speech with a traditional pantun, which was met with a lively response from the participants. He then expressed his gratitude for the warm welcome to the program. "This is a routine activity for us to provide education to all levels of society, in this case our student colleagues who may have a great curiosity about the State Budget (APBN), how our budget is managed, and we hope the material can be accepted," he said.

Meanwhile, Vice Rector I H. Saepudin, in his speech, expressed his gratitude and appreciation to KPPN which was attended directly by the Head of KPPN. He stated that the activity was in line with IAIN Parepare's program related to the main performance indicators of higher education, one of which is presenting practitioners in the lecture.

"This really needs to be understood and comprehended, related to treasury and financial management in general, as well as the tasks and functions of KPPN. This is a partner that cannot be separated from all finances at IAIN Parepare, without KPPN, student activities cannot be funded," Saepudin said.

The next session was delivered by Andi Ramlang Petta Lili, a functional officer at KPPN Parepare, who explained the material about APBN.

The event ended with a question-and-answer session led by the Head of KPPN Parepare. The session was enthusiastically welcomed by the students as those who could answer the questions were given souvenirs by KPPN Parepare. (hrt/mif/MM)

in News
Hartini March 1, 2024