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IAIN Parepare Prepares Students for MOSMA Scholarship

22 فبراير, 2024 بواسطة

Public Relation of IAIN Parepare – The Language Development Unit (UPT Bahasa) of IAIN Parepare is actively preparing students to compete for the Ministry of Religious Affairs' MORA Overseas Student Mobility Awards (MOSMA) scholarship. This non-degree scholarship program is part of the Merdeka Curriculum, providing students with the opportunity to study at universities abroad.

UPT Bahasa aims to increase the number of IAIN Parepare students receiving the MOSMA scholarship this year. This program not only provides students with the opportunity to study abroad but also opens up broader opportunities for them to develop through direct experience in understanding new cultures, languages, and knowledge. It also allows them to network and interact with students from various countries.

To prepare students for the MOSMA scholarship, UPT Bahasa has opened intensive TOEFL and TOAFL training. The training is aimed at all IAIN Parepare students interested in applying for the MOSMA scholarship, ensuring they meet the age requirement of 23 years maximum and have entered semester 4 or 6 as required by the MOSMA scholarship.

The TOEFL and TOAFL Intensive classes are facilitated by the graduates from English Education Study Program (PBI) and Arabic Education Study Program (PBA) of IAIN Parepare. They are Nur Fadillah Nurcholis and Ahmed Sardi for the TOEFL Intensive class, and Raodhatul Jannah and Fathul Muarif for the TOAFL Intensive class. The learning activities are divided into two classes, one in the Movie Room on the first floor and the other in the Language Laboratory on the second floor of the Integrated Laboratory Building. The intensive program started in early February 2024 and is targeted to be completed by the end of March 2024.

"You can rely on your intelligence to get a scholarship, but remember that applying for the MOSMA scholarship requires more than just intelligence. Students must also have leadership experience and community service," said Ahmed.

After intensive TOEFL and TOAFL training, students will take the TOEFL ITP and TOAFL prediction tests. To qualify for MOSMA, students must have a TOEFL ITP certificate with a minimum score of 550 for non-ASEAN countries and 500 for ASEAN countries, and a TOAFL score of 550. They will then receive guidance on writing a motivation letter and personal statement. "I hope that after participating in this UPT Bahasa program, many of our students will be able to win the MOSMA scholarship in 2024," concluded Nurhamdah (Aw/Srh/MM).

ameliawulandari 22 فبراير 2024
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