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IAIN Parepare Celebrates 27th Anniversary with Joint Fasting, Rector Delivers His Hopes

21 مارس, 2024 بواسطة

Public Relation of IAIN Parepare – The 27th Anniversary of IAIN Parepare was commemorated with a joint fasting event which took place solemnly on the 4th Floor of the Rectorate Building, IAIN Parepare, Friday (22/3/2024).

The joint fasting event was attended by the Rector of IAIN Parepare, Prof. Dr. Hannani, M.Ag, the Vice Rectors, the Head of the AUAK Bureau, and hundreds of lecturers and education staff of IAIN Parepare.  

In his speech, the Rector of IAIN Parepare, Hannani, hoped that the IAIN Parepare university could achieve more at the age of 27. "Let us pray that IAIN Parepare will continue to exist, develop, all of its academicians will achieve and be promoted this year," said Hannani. . 

Furthermore, the Rector expressed his hope that IAIN Parepare could change its status from an institute to a university in the future.  

"We hope that we can change our status to a university and have students who are achievers, have character, and good morals," concluded Hannani.

The event was closed with a Ramadan sermon delivered by Dr. Muhiddin Bakri, Lc., M. Fil as the Secretary of LP2M IAIN Parepare. Muhiddin delivered a lecture on the importance of establishing relationships between humans. The event ended with a joint breaking of the fast while enjoying various dishes that had been prepared by the committee. (irm/alf/MM)

Irmawati 21 مارس 2024
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