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78 Students Participate in MBKM Orientation Program

1 مارس, 2024 بواسطة

Public Relation of IAIN Parepare – The Quality Assurance Institute (LPM) of IAIN Parepare held an orientation for the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program for 2023/2024 academic year on the fourth floor of the IAIN Parepare Library on Friday (March 1, 2024).

The opening ceremony was officially opened by the Vice Rector I, H. Saepudin, representing the Rector. The event was attended by the Deans, Vice Deans, Head of Study Programs within IAIN Parepare, Field Supervisors (DPL), and 78 MBKM student participants.

In his speech, Vice Rector I, Saepudin, congratulated the MBKM participants for being selected. "Maintain the good name of the almamater, carry out the assigned tasks earnestly, stay motivated, focused, and dedicated," Saepudin said, conveying the Rector's message.

"Maintain good morals and behavior, show that we are IAIN, respect everyone around you, because you are the determinant of the next MBKM, be a good role model for the next generation of MBKM, take care of your health and safety so that you can return with experiences for your other friends," Saepudin said.

The Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program is implemented to encourage students to master various knowledge and skills that can be used to enter the workforce. Muhammad Qadaruddin, Head of LPM, explained that MBKM is a certified internship program as well as an implementation of cooperation or MoU, student portfolios, and student experiences, so students need to take part in MBKM. "Take advantage of this opportunity to improve your competence in the MBKM program," he said.

After the opening ceremony, the event continued with the MBKM Orientation which presented two speakers, namely Misdar who presented material on Professional Work Ethics, followed by the second speaker, Nurleli Ramli with the title of material Optimizing the MBKM Program Based on Information Systems, and closed with coordination with the Field Supervisors. (irm/mif/MM)

Irmawati 1 مارس 2024
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