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Two Graduates of English Education Study Program Becomes Awardee of Language and Academic Preparation Program (LAPP) of Ministry of Religios Affairs

15 February, 2024 by

Public Relation of IAIN Parepare, South Sulawesi - The Ministry of Religios Affairs through the Directorate of Early Education and Islamic Boarding Schools (PD Pontren) in collaboration with LPDP Ministry of Finance has reopened the Outstanding Santri Scholarship Program (PBSB). One of the PD Pontren scholarship programs is the Language and Academic Preparation Program (LAPP) for santri and mahasantri preparing for further undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate studies in collaboration with the Language Center of State Islamic Religious College (PTKIN) in Indonesia.


Two graduates of the English Education Study Program of IAIN Parepare passed and became part of the scholarship recipients held by the Ministry of Religios Affairs. Muhammad Rhafi Harlan and Kadaruddin successfully passed the scholarship selection which was opened in 2023. They will take part in the LAPP program at the Language Development Center of UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim II Riau.


Rhafi and Kadaruddin are two graduates who are very persistent in learning and pursuing scholarships. They are both participants who actively follow the programs at the Language Development Unit (UPT Bahasa) IAIN Parepare. Starting from the TOEFL preparation class, IELTS preparation, to the IELTS Mock Test program at Golden Gate Makassar which was held in 2023.


"Alhamdulillah, yesterday the announcement came out, my name and Kadar were declared to have passed the administrative files for the Ministry of Religious Affairs' endowment fund scholarship. Hopefully our knowledge in the field of language will develop further after taking language classes at P2B UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim II Riau," said Rhafi


This good news was welcomed by the Head of UPT Bahasa with great hope. "I hope these two alumni will seriously follow the language intensification class program, so that the language proficiency requirements as a ticket for further studies abroad can be met," Said Nurhamdah (Aw/Srh/MM)

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ameliawulandari February 15, 2024