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Nurul Hikmah, IPR Study Program Student Wins Second Place in Pangkep MTQ Recitation Competition 2024

4 فبراير, 2024 بواسطة

Public Relations IAIN Parepare – One of the students of the Islamic Family Law Study Program at the Parepare State Islamic Institute once again made a proud achievement in the performance of Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur'an (MTQ) XXXIII District Level. Pangkajene and the Islands in 2024. She won second place in the Recitation Competition in the young women's category.

MTQ Pangkep which was held for 4 days, from (29/1/2024) to. (1/2/2024) at Citra Mas Pangkep Square (Musafir Park) attended by 13 caravans from all sub-districts throughout Pangkajene and Islands Regency with a total of 292 participants.

Nurul Hikmah, who was a delegate from Tupabbiring District, felt very proud of the achievements he had achieved when confirmed.

"Alhamdulillah, I am very grateful to be able to compete and become 2nd best at the MTQ at the Pangkajene and Islands Regency level, where I can compete with more senior and experienced participants. "I am proud to be able to represent my sub-district, as well as to be able to make the IAIN Parepare campus proud in this competition," said Hikmah.

Meanwhile, Dean Fakshi Rahmawati, when contacted separately, expressed his appreciation for Nurul Hikmah's achievements.

"We really appreciate the achievements of one of our students from the IPR Study Program. This achievement is quite encouraging because it can make the institution proud. My hope is that in the future its achievements can be improved at the national level. "We also hope that many other students can show their talents and achievements in academic and non-academic fields both at local, national and international levels," hoped Rahmawati (da/Tin)


dirgaachmad 4 فبراير 2024

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